How To Deal With Being Judged By Other People
Clearly, being judged is normal part of society. We will often judge others and we will most certainly be judged by others as well. The problem is when we are overly concerned with being judged and are so caught up on what people think about us that we cannot live our lives freely. We often become so obsessed and fearful of it that it affects everything we do. We end up making decision based on what other's think, while suppressing our truest expression of ourselves. We begin to lose our true identity because we are trying to be what we think people will approve of. Many times, this fear and obsession with being judged is due to drama from our past. Maybe it's from have the fear of rejection from being rejected as a child for something we did or expressed and it didn't go over too well. Maybe we were abandoned in some way or even shamed for something we did. Whatever the reasons are and there are many scenarios, now it's programmed us to become very focused on how o...